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About our Founders:

I'm Andi Locke Mears and I have worked in the holistic, alternative field for over 25 years.

I have been a German New Medicine teacher and consultant since 2009 and spent 3 years on an International GNM Team.

had a successful wellness center, CALM HealthWorks, LLC, in Maine before shifting my attention to teaching and consulting with GNM full time.

I started the Bio HealthWorks Institute in 2017 to educate people about GNM with my signature program, Beyond Holistic Medicine, and how to apply this knowledge to their own symptoms so they get out of fear and reach their health goals.

I also work with holistic practitioners and healthcare providers in my unique, GNM for Practitioners Course to teach them how to use their knowledge of GNM with their clients.

In addition, I have many offerings that help people increase their knowledge of GHK/GNM, find an experienced, qualified GNM Consultant, and also create a GHK/GNM community because it truly takes a village. 

 These offerings include:

  • GNM Masterclass
  • GNM Buddy
  • GNMCare
  • GNMCare Mentorship Program
  • GNM for Acupuncturists
  • Studienkraisen (free study groups)

I am a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and a Certified Whole Health Educator and am a Traditional Naturopath.
For more information, please visit: www.andilockemears.com.

I live and breathe GHK/GNM!  Sharing it is my passion and I will continue to build bridges between GHK/GNM and clients/ students around the world.  Please join me!

I am Dr. Melissa Sell and I began on my health discovery journey in 2005 when I began working at a holistic lifestyle based chiropractic clinic.

My passion for promoting healthy living inspired me to go to chiropractic school at Life University in Marietta Georgia where I graduated at the top of my class in 2012.

I loved chiropractic practice and teaching people how to improve their health with nutrition, fitness, detoxification, corrective chiropractic care, and mindset both in the office and in community outreach workshops.

After 3 years of full time practice I began intensively studying mindset and the power that our perception has over our entire life experience.

In 2015 my partner and I started an online mental wellness company called Ever Better LLC where we teach and coach people through our mind mastery program The Ever Better Life Course.

In early 2017 I discovered German New Medicine and it completely blew me away!
I always knew that the innate intelligence of the body was far greater than most people recognized, but the specificity of Dr. Hamer's work was so extensive and accurate I was (and still am) giddy with excitement about this amazing work!

I have completely adopted GNM as my health paradigm and I am passionate about teaching people the practical application of this incredible knowledge.

I have created an online program specifically designed to help people understand their Biological Conflicts and provide them with mental tools for Conflict Resolution called Resolve.

For more information, visit Ever Better Life University or my personal website: ​DrMelissaSell.com

Hi I'm Nellie Barnett - Australian Mum, GNM teacher, consultant, gardener, adventure-lover and  advocate for freedom of choice and access to empowered wellness information for every individual.

I was introduced to GNM at the beginning of 2016 and instantly felt like someone had finally put a language and logical explanation to everything I'd intuitively felt and known, for a lifetime.  It was like coming home. 

My business, Nellie B Well, was already up and running in the holistic wellness space, and GNM was the missing piece I'd been looking for - so I began studying it and integrating it into my work right away, with profound results for both myself & family + my clients.

As a certified NLP, Timeline and Hypnotherapist as well as studies in Gym Instruction, Personal Training and Juice Fast Coaching, GNM really brought it all together and answered a lot of questions.

Due to the results I've seen in our lives personally and those of the people I work with, GNM is now the Wellness paradigm I live by and am crazy-passionate about sharing with the world! Which is why I joined forces with Andi and Melissa in 2020 to bring and Aussie face to the organisation and help expand USAGNM to GHKGlobal!

After continuing to study, implement and work with GNM since being introduced to it, I noticed a need for more community and education around it and as such opened the doors to The New Earth Wellness Empowered Health Academy in 2020 also.

The N.E.W. Academy offers both Personal and Practitioner Integration courses in GNM, with a strong focus on HOW to implement this knowledge into our daily lives and work.

To connect or learn more you can find me at:



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